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Status Owner Importance Complexity MD Version
Assigned mhutch Very-Low 2.6

Support for prefixing operators and objects with multipliers, e.g. 5dd deletes 5 lines, c5ft changes as far as the next instance of the letter f, etc.

Multi-character text objects

Status Owner Importance Complexity MD Version
Assigned mhutch Very-Low 2.6

Support for text objects that consist of multiple characters and may or may not be terminated by enter. E.g. dtf deletes to the next letter f, tf moves to the next letter f, y/<foo> followed by enter yanks (copies) to the next instance of <foo>.


Status Owner Importance Complexity MD Version
Assigned mhutch Very-Low 2.6

Support for Vi registers, i.e. prefixing a command with “z uses the z register for cut/paste. There are also some registers that automatically contain things like a stack of recent deletes, most recent yank, X clipboard, etc.

Share/store registers

Status Owner Importance Complexity MD Version
Pending Normal Medium

Store registers between MD sessions. Figure out how they should be shared between different editor tabs in MD.


Status Owner Importance Complexity MD Version
Pending Normal Medium

Implement support for q, which can record and store a series of operations. Also the . key, which repeats the last operation that modified the text. This is difficult because “operation” can also mean entering visual mode, making selections, entering edit mode and changing text, etc.

Pluggable operators and objects

Status Owner Importance Complexity MD Version
Pending mhutch Very-Low 2.6

Make it possible for addins to add new text objects and operators. Figuring out this architecture will make implementing some of the other vi tasks much easier, esp. registers, repeats and multi-character text objects.

Pluggable ex commands

Status Owner Importance Complexity MD Version
Pending Normal Medium

Allow addins to plug in new ex (:) commands.


Status Owner Importance Complexity MD Version
Pending Normal Medium

Allow users to remap keys, operators, objects, etc.

Read VIM settings

Status Owner Importance Complexity MD Version
Pending Normal Medium

Read the VIM settings file.

Don’t Conflict with Keybindings

Status Owner Importance Complexity MD Version
Pending Normal Medium

Currently come of the vi mode’s key commands conflcit with MD’s keybindings. The Vi mode should either find a way to pre-empt the keybinding service, or automatically switch the MD keybinding scheme to something that doesn’t conflict.


Status Owner Importance Complexity MD Version
Pending Normal Medium

Add support for surround.vim