Release Notes for MonoDevelop 3.0.3
MonoDevelop 3.0.3 is a bug fix release to MonoDevelop 3.0. It includes over 200 bugfixes and minor improvements to usability, performance and reliability.
Notably, many minor issues have been fixed in the features new in MonoDevelop 3.0: the C# code completion engne and autoformatter, and the Android designer.
MonoDevelop core bugfixes and improvements:
- 5547 Cannot invoke static properties or inspect static members
- 2489 - Preferences->Build->Assembly Folders buttons grayed out when removing folder
- 5485 - “Format document on save” doesn’t
- 5489 - Code Folding / Collapsing unavailable with large .cs files
- The internal log pad was removed, to reduce memory use
- 5344 - Quick fix icon blinks when moving caret with arrow keys
- 5422 - namespace declaration should be suggestion not completion
- 5442 - Error after “Install template”’
- 5441 - Partial class for action connection disappears from .designer file after project upgrade and new outlet
- Flat namespacing policy should now uses a single directory component only
- Added templates for ASP.NET MVC 3.0
- Fix for infinite loop synching certain classes from Xcode
- 5440 - Longer timeout for Xcode communication
- 5433 - Error in soft debugger method call thread on method Type System.Object:GetType
- 5269 - Null reference exception trying to show a tooltip in the designer
- 5434 - VersionControl cannot attach diff/log views to csproj files
- 5178 - Do not show annoying popups when version control is disabled
- Fixed document switcher not hiding bug on linux mint 13
- 5425 - Updating Makefile integration settings doesn’t close info message and seems to have hung
- 5402 - Backspace doesn’t work with 1-tab virtual indent
- 5406 - Header should not add trailing whitespace
- Fix Linux install locations to match local build and pc files
- 5225 - On Unix, resolve symlink paths when comparing them in the debugger
- Improved startup time and memory use due to loading frameworks
- 5350 - Add to EXTRA_DIST
- Fixed several folding update issues in the text editor
- Fixed several issues in On-the-fly C# formatter
- 5373 - Indenting selected block should not indent blank lines in it
- 5326 - Scrolling when clicking at bottom of source window
- 5338 - Remove braces does not remove trailing whitespace
- MonoDevelop’s console output is now redirected to a log file unless the –no-redirect comandline argument is specified
- 4779 - Drop onto treeview from outside of MD should check target is valid
- 5331 - Fixed PortableDotNetProjects to support all .NETPortable 4.0 frameworks
- 5294 - Allow partial clipboard copying of values from the debugger tree views
- 5295 - Process cannot access file after debug restarting
- 5300 - Pressing tab in verbatim strings moves the caret one character too far forward
- 5282 - Refactor Issue, Changing name of generic method strips <type> arguments from method calls
- Re-enabled the VCS log command for project folders
- 5185 - ICSharpCode.NRefactory.CSharp is not referenced in monodevelop.pc file
- 5312 - Editor or C# parser ignoring #elif causing null reference exception
- 5224 - MonoDevelop mangles project reference path
- 5235 - Updating from Version Control - new files/code not available in intellisense
- 5292 - Middle mouse click does not paste
- 5254 - Stack overflow in MonoMac.ObjCRuntime.Class:TypeContainsFloatingPoint
- 517 - Command-scroll is too easy to activate by accident
- 4750 - Comment tasks no longer work
- 5242 - Enabling Entitlements for MonoMac / iPhone projects don’t persist
- Indentation engine now uses the correct property for the indent width
- 5222 - Format Selection should alter selection length
- 5212 - Find references doesn’t find all usages of static readonly field
- 5207 - [regression] delegate completion like event completion
- Filtered inaccessible classes in completion lookup
- 5229 - Code folding does not handle sequential comment blocks well
- 5223 - Tab to indent with tab-to-spaces does not adjust selection correctly
- 5191 - Creating extension method problem when typing “this”
5205 - Completion of enum/flags values does not work after ” ” operator -
5206 - Resolve -> Add Using statement does not work after ” ” - 5119 - Interface builder won’t recognise classes derived of iPhoneOSGameView
- Treeview display options are now global, not per-node
- 5167 - Could not edit XIB-interface after latest update
- 5180 - usings at top no longer are collapsible
- 4980 - public/private display options sometimes does not affect whole assembly browser tree
- 5012 - Public only assembly browser should not show private namespaces
- 5013 - Assembly browser views are inconsistent
- 5023 - Assembly Browser fails to show nested classes
- Fixed a possible crash on exit on Windows
- 4961 - Code completion for enumerations in static classes desn’t work
- 4841 - Need to re-open document after enabling semantic highlighting
- 5001 - Object initializers are not handled properly
- 5126 - Multiple projects including the same files don’t update their typesystem properly
- 5114 - “Go to declaration” navigates to wrong destination
- Turned off wrapping in the code formatter
- 5127 - Refactor has stopped working
- Added an undo step for autogenerated doc comment text
- 5113 - Improved building portability
- Improved performance of semantic highlighting
- 5109 - Optimize properties by getting values directly from backing fields
- Handled exceptions deleting files and directories locked by Perforce
- 5067 - Selection does not respect virtual space
- 5077 - Virtual indent does not work when tabs-to-spaces is enabled
- Fixed a case where “Extract method” could fail
- 5038 - Be a bit more flexible in the ObjC we accept when parsing headers
- 5080 - Pressing tab types \t instead of tabbing
- 5046 Debugging console app with fallback terminal fails
- 4889 - Rendering buglet in text editor
- Fold command “show definitions only” collapses comments as well
- Fixed completion window character offset
- 5014 - Source analysis toolbar does not update marker position after resize
- 3923 - Don’t allow exception evaluations to timeout in debugger
- 4998 - MonoDevelop does not respect changing the namespace of a class
- 4918 - Code formatting comments out “else” branches
- 4890 - Triple-click line selection does not drag-extend upwards correctly
- Completion popup now handles virtual indentation correctly
- 4979 - Copy/paste line now includes an extra newline
- Formatting undo step & indenter undo step are now a single undo step
- On the fly format changes are now done in a separate undo group.
- 4941 - Autogenerated delegate not properly formatted
- 4951 - Allow editing virtual indents
- 4866 - parameter locals are not resolved on newly opened files
- 4876 - Cutting a collapsed block of code should cut the entire block
- Fixed stetic code generation of unresolved members
- 4738 - Comment is not highlighted
- 4762 - Go to definition on event fails
- 4927 - Autocomplete shows non-static methods when using class name
- Virtual indent mode is now the default indent mode
- 4934 - Create member command broken for enum
- Fixed several code generation errors for aspx files
- 4747 - No code completion for unsaved XML files
- Fixed jump to function for unsaved files.
- Bug 4746 - No folding, outline for unsaved files.
- Bug 4662 - Cyclic references crash MD type system
- 4755 - Assembly browser tree shows .ctor, should show name
- 4777 - Serializer exception from type service
- 4877 - Syntax highlight/code completion should ignore files not marked as ‘Compile’
- 4756 - Use compact scroll widgets in assembly browser
- 4887 - Missing docs and parameter list cannot be opened manually
- 4891 - On the fly formatter triggered by } in string
- 4897 - Resolve command for new expressions is incorrect
- 4878 - MonoDevelop is caching and using invalid tree iters
- The native reference command is hiddent when not valid
- Text style policies now have the correct indent width
- 4875 - Create backing store uses wrong formatting
- 4865 - gtk warning from error popup window
- 4837 - On the fly formatter formats too much
- 4879 - Completion should prefer local variables over named parameters
- 4874 - Delete file from solution gives exception
- 4868 - Incorrect reformatting
- 3984 - Cannot compile any async project
- Optimized loading projects with many dependent/grouped files
- 4623 - MonoDevelop hangs when opening a solution
- Fixed selection of default configuration when saving a project
- Fix indentation for using declarations.
- 4862 - Edit -> Format -> Format file destroys indentation
- 4653 - Autocomplete lists variables that do not exist in the current context
- 4768 - MD hangs while generating code completion data
- 4825 - “protected internal” methods are incorrectly overridden
- Bug 4766 - Go To Definition does not work for ’Protected’ members in Referenced assemblies’/Jump to methods without parameter
- 4758 - Public view in assembly browser should include protected
- 4842 - Semantic highlighting incorrectly colors symbols red during initial parse
- 4855 - Cut command doesn’t work on some files
- 4772 - Using the ‘Import Symbol’ (ctrl+option+space) feature will delete text on the following line
- 4840 - Exception from C# indenter when undoing
- 4839 - Hitting enter on last line of document makes editor scroll to top
- 4681 - Avoid ‘type x loaded more than once’ errors, they can happen during normal operation.
- Prettified ToString for null primitive values in the debugger
- Fixed some exceptions caused by type system service.
- Enabled Help menu on Windows and added Windows documentation viewer app
- Fixed a warning during profile migration
- 4824 - Cannot reference a property with the same name as a parameter
- Fixed paste indentation error.
- Fixed issues serializng settings in one culture and loading in a different culture.
- 4768 - MD hangs while generating code completion data’.
- 4743 - unsafe should not be an error in standalone C# files
- 4745 - Autosave fails for unsaved file
- 4769 - Fixing missing member in another file does not update semantic highlighting
- 4770 - Both arguments to IsDerivedFrom() must be from the same compilation
- 4775 - Exception in auto save thread
- 4764 - Event handler completion puts caret in wrong place
- 4808 - Enums have an unknown ‘split_char’ member included in them
- Fix NRE when serializing an empty PropertyBag
Xamarin Addins issues fixed:
- 5551 - Cannot drag a widget to the Android designer from toolbox in windows MonoDevelop
- 5428 - Fix “MonoMac Project” template to load the main menu.
- Fixed MonoMac MainNib entry to pre-populate known nibs and to load initial value
- Fixed a resizing issue in the Android designer
- The Android designer can now load themes defined in the project
- 5188 - Android designer does not handle moved or linked files well
- Fixed an exception when clicking on the Show changes button in the Android designer
- 5426 - Allow users to unset the iPad Retina icons for Universal apps
- The MonoTouch LLVM compiler option is no longer marked as experimental
- Removed the KeychainAccessGroups UI that had incorrectly been added to the MonoMac addin
- 4893 - Scale property in Android designer says “Unknwown Property”
- MonoMac addin now has a “Minimum OS” option
- 5209 - [Designer] Crashes when trying to create a new layout.
- Removed a redundant version check in the Android addin that could break in some cases
- 5016 - Android designer errors out opening file
- 5102 - Android designer finalizer makes remoting call, hangs MD
- 5049 - mtouch code signing broken on Snow Leopard
- The Android designer now uses the Java SDK from MonoDevelop preferences
- Use the correct targets in new Java binding projects
- Improved speed of AOT builds in conjunction with MonoTouch >= 5.3.4
- Prevent exceptions when launching MonoTouch Release builds on device.
- Fix issue when pressing Return to validate in-line label editing in the designer
- Fix an issue updating virtual resources in the designer
- 4985 - Created string resources do not update widget with resource value when .axml file is saved
- 4900 - Wifi debugger does not attach unless launched from usb.
- Hyperlinks in updater release notes now work
- 4957 - Cannot re-arrange widgets using Document Outline
- 4954 - Build failure with various layout widgets added
- Added support for installing updates directly from the updater dialog
- The updater no longer deletes downloaded updates while switching update channels
- [Android designer] Set correct id when selecting a resource
- 4950 - Setting a widget’s text to a string resource creates incorrect reference
- Fixed crash in Android designer when the resources directory doesn’t exist
- Added OpenTK-1.0 to selectable assemblies and updated default template
- Added System.Data.Services.Client and System.EnterpriseServices to selectable assemblies
- 4826 - Exception when pressing “Stop” in MonoDevelop when an iOS app is closed/crash on device.
Additional Android designer issues fixed:
- Added support for scrolling in ScrollView.
- Themes defined in project resources are now properly rendered
- The resource selector now doesn’t show private framework resources
- 5290 - Style attribute missing from View properties
- 4953 - Numeric Password widget loads with an invalid input type
- 4894 - Switching project build target to API 10 throws exception (when editing existing layout)
- 5349 - Activity modification causes axml files reload
- 5369 - Designer adds unrecognized android:placeholder on TableLayout