Release Notes for MonoDevelop 3.0.5
Bug Fixes
Close solution files when closing a solution using the context menu
Fixed issue in the watch window which caused MonoDevelop to prints big ammounts of debug output
Fixed crash when showing code completion in the debugger watch view
Fixed slowdown when switching from/to MonoDevelop
Fixed evaluation of “base.” expressions in the Immediate window
Fixed the Windows debugger to use the correct version of xsp when debugging ASP.NET apps
Fixed the Breakpoint Pad to delete breakpoints when hitting the Delete key
Fixed support for decimals in the Soft Debugger
Fixed resolution of static fields on classes that may not have been loaded
- Don’t prefer the DisasseblyView over the document view when debugging
- Improved auto-completion in the Debugger Watch Pad
MonoMac / MonoTouch
- Subfolders in /Resources don’t seem to work properly with XCode
- Support for iOS6 PassKit in the Info.plist editor
- iOS6 Maps Integration UI editing support
- UIStatusBar plist editor options for iOS6
- Support for setting the iPhone5 launch image
- Fixed bug: Changing from Universal -> iPhone/iPod in Info.plist does not remove UISupportedInterfaceOrientations~ipad
- Added privacy info.plist keys
- Support for mtouch –abi (to allow building for armv7s)
- Improved support for managed resources in Android libraries
- Added support for AIDL files
- Designer fixes:
- When opening a layout with invalid xml, allow editing the xml in the source view
- Improved the dialog for editing devices
- Properly resize margin handles when zooming
- Fix icorrect positioning of resize handle after resizing
- Fix layout loading error when using a namespace other than ‘android’ in the xml file
- Display base class properties in the property pad
Improved look of selection marker when selecting an item inside a scroll view which is partially hidden.
- Fixed bug: Selection frame moves when scrolling layout